Thursday 4 January 2018

For Anna “Annabelle” Kakuba

My friend Anna was born in January.

Poor timing but to no end her fault. I shall choke it up to her impatience which has continued to manifest as an adult.

And because it is January, and I’m already poor, I decided to write about and for her because electricity and words are the only things I can afford now.
I met Anna very unceremoniously. Even if you beat me I could not remember the exact moment I did, all I know is that she latched onto my heart immediately. I think we even sang together that night.
It is a mark of our time that true friendships are rare, and even more so, real connections. I connect with Anna on so many things, not least our love for good whiskey and staying home. For that I am more than grateful. But I digress. Ladies and Gents, this is the story of Anna and I.

Anna is a perfectionist. One of the three people ever in history to correct my grammar and in the same breath chastise me for a lousy shirt. “Tubeere serious Ralph.” At a point, Anna and I had a ceremony named “Sundays with Ralph”, where we would kick back with a good drink, great breakfast and/or ice cream and watch horror movies or suits. She has this thing for Gabriel Macht (Harvey Spectre) and even had the title music as her ringtone for a while, but that is not the point. At these Sundays with Ralph, Anna and I would laugh, and talk and laugh some more and more often than not, be mean to people who in all honesty, deserved it (I’m looking at you Trevor Wabunoha). On these rare occasions I found myself full and happy, because Anna is more than a kindred spirit to me. She is my personal person.

Anna is fierce. I have not met many people as dedicated to their friends as she is, as loyal as she is and as stupid as she is.

Anna thinks she is funny. I will not comment on that because she is not only fierce, but insanely violent with her words. She can cut you down to size with a well-timed comment.

In my rough patches I always reach out to her. She has a heart as big as her brain and that’s saying something. She challenges me, on so many topics, and try as I may, she always wins the arguments. Anna tries to teach me Luganda but she’ll always be my translator because I’m too lazy to learn the nuances of the lingo. Also it helps that she’s always on hand to bargain with bodas for me. We share a deep liking for the humorous side of the British Royal family, this I can attribute to my likeness in character to a William/Harry/Phillip hybrid.
Our love for good food has bonded us, although I must confess that I have sort of slacked in that area for a bit.

Anna is my friend. My beautiful friend. And a tea snob as well!

Anna Kakuba, you have become one of my trusted confidantes and my soul bearer.

I pray that I will be a good friend to you, as you have been to me. My personal person.

Happy Birthday Anna!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lets revive those sundays....too many laughs

  3. This is some very good writing Mr. Akorabirungi! You need to write more.
